Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hangin Out in Guangzhou

We had a free day yesterday to just explore. We found the Starbucks (I so needed that overpriced, over caffinated latte), shopped a bit (still looking for Sprite Zero), ate at McDonald's (Jack nearly pee'd his pants when the golden arches came into view), and then tried a little swim at the hotel pool. It was in the mid 80s outside so definately warm enough to swim. When we showed Danielle the pool outside our room window, she nearly jumped through the glass! She was so excited to swim. We donned our suits and went to the pool - she was all smiles and giggles. When we got to the pool, we noticed that not too many people were in the water - for good reason, the water temperature of the pool was like ICE. I would have wept like a baby if I had to get in, which I did not. But, of course, there was no telling Danielle she couldn't go in. So Jack braved the water and swam with Danielle for about 20 minutes. She loved it. I owe Jack a piece of Jade for playing lifeguard. Not even kidding, he was threatening to bail on me and I had to promise him something short of an IPhone 4.

We stayed in the hotel for dinner at the Chinese restaurant and then turned in early. Danielle was still suffering from her cold a little so a good nights sleep was welcome. (Yes, I know you are thinking, how could we let her swim in ice cold water when she is still trying to recover from her sickness, well, I have no good justification, guess I don't win the Mom of the Year award this year...)

Today we got up and went to Liuhua Park and a little shopping. We finished our paperwork for the Consulate today with our guide, Elvin. We are all set for our appt and swearing in on Tuesday.
I am having such a hard time posting pictures again - I will try again later....


  1. Linda:
    It's so wonderful to see your pictures and read about your exciting trip to adopt Danielle. We can't wait to meet her!
    Love, Janice, Doug & Dylan

  2. hahahha... Great job bigbrother! Golden star to you Jack;)

  3. Linda,
    What hotel did you stay at in Guangzhou?



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